I cant believe its Christmas 2009.
And in One year, O months, O days, it will be Christmas again. And you know how fast that goes.
But here I am using the word 'Twas' .....
And in One year, O months, O days, it will be Christmas again. And you know how fast that goes.
But here I am using the word 'Twas' .....
Twas the Night before Christmas, and all thru the house, not a creature was stirring (except the dog), not even a mouse.
(There better NOT be mice around here, eeek!)
My stockings were hung by the chimney with care (I dont have a chimney, shut up!) In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here.....(Well.....Hello fat man in the red suit, may I sit on thee lap? wink*wink)
The teenagers were nestled all snug in their beds, with threats of punishment to shut OFF the Ipods, dancing thru their heads.
(There better NOT be mice around here, eeek!)
My stockings were hung by the chimney with care (I dont have a chimney, shut up!) In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here.....(Well.....Hello fat man in the red suit, may I sit on thee lap? wink*wink)
The teenagers were nestled all snug in their beds, with threats of punishment to shut OFF the Ipods, dancing thru their heads.
Momma (I think thats me) in her kerchef and I in my cap
(wait, wait, thats me)
(wait, wait, thats me)
had just settled down for a long winters nap. (Who does that anyway?)
When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see which drunken neighbor had caused the matter.
When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see which drunken neighbor had caused the matter.
Away to the window, I flew like a flash (I really dont move that fast, I'll pull a muscle or something traumatic), tore open the shutters & threw up the sash. (WTH is a sash?)
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
(And, no............................... I have NOT started drinking. Yet.)
But a miniature sleigh & 8 tiny reindeer.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
(And, no............................... I have NOT started drinking. Yet.)
But a miniature sleigh & 8 tiny reindeer.
With a lil ol' driver, so lively & quick, I knew in a moment it had to be
St. Nick. (Alright, enough, now.
Where is the lemon & salt, with that tequila I asked for?)
St. Nick. (Alright, enough, now.
Where is the lemon & salt, with that tequila I asked for?)
Ok, ok, I'll stop....lol....please dont beg.
Christmas really IS my favorite time of year....
A time for feasting, giving, receiving, believing and magic.
A time for feasting, giving, receiving, believing and magic.
Theres always a magical quality in the air around this time, I do love that. I especially love how my 20 year old son, shoddily wrapped Christmas gifts this year.
He tried to STAPLE the gift bags closed. Ahh....yes. yes.
I just smiled and reminded myself, this is why men and women are NOT created equal.
Just watch a man try to wrap gifts.
Just watch a man try to wrap gifts.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!