August 7, 2008

Well, We're movin on up....

Well we're Movin' on Up!
Mov'n on up....To the Blogger East Side....
To a dee-luxe blogger in the sky-sky....Yah, were mov'n on up....

We've finally got a piece of the pie!
Fish dont fry in the kitchen, beans dont burn on the grill...
Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill....

Oh man, who remembers that song?.....From the Jefferson's?
Shit, Im aging myself aren't I? Oh, Shut up.
Basically, my wonderful customers who tour my Blog frequently
on my website, have been re-directed here. Do you feel violated ?

Awww...Im sorry....I know we all resist change, but this is good change.
So, without further a-do, welcome to The New Beedz Nest Blog!
Im going to get more active in my beadmaking, satisfying all my bead whores, and I know most of you miss my blogging, so I'm doing my best to blog more often.

Some good things are getting ready to happen in my life and I'm feeling better after a long hiatus in 08', its time to rock n roll my peeps.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I like it, Lori...I like it a LOT! things are lookin' up *wink*