May 22, 2009

Funny Faces....

Last nites Concert was whole buncha fun! And you know how it is, don't deny it...
We ALL dread going to these things, because they are just TOO long. Now, if you dont fall
asleep watching everyone ELSE'S kid but yer own, then your the one with the
movie camera, watching everyone ELSE'S kid but your own.

So, 1st, the Seniors were there as well, which was a nice change, and
these 4 guys sang "BarberShop Style" Boy oh boy, was that funny....they are
such characters!!!

Then the "Select Choir" sang, they were all dressed to match, and they all looked great.

This is Lauren. I'm sure you can see by the look on her face, that she's absolutely estatic to
be on stage singing.

Speaking of faces, I found this face.
Stop laughing, that's not very nice. You should see the boy SING.
He's amazing!

By the end of the musical, Lauren was finally starting to shake her booty and get
into the night a lil' bit more than in the beginning. She looked great on stage...
She has a great presence.

Ok. What is up today's teen boys? I mean, look at "the hair"?
Do you find it as funny as I do, or am I just being cruel?
I mean.....Seriously. Ok, ok....I'll stop here.

It was then that I spotted Cousin IT !!
I wonder if he can see past his bangs? It sort of reminds me of an English Sheepdog, I guess.
For some reason, I thought it only looked good on dogs, but hey...Who knew? ! !

Last but not Least.....Yah, yah...dont let this picture fool you.
They were each threatened with the skin of their chinny, chin, chins, to get a nice
smiling GENUINE shot....C'mon....Smile for Mommy .....Mommy has cookies...
Now SMILE, or ........................................

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