August 1, 2009

A new baby Monkey....

I am FINALLY back to work.
This is good news. No, no, wait....this is GREAT news!
As alot of you know, I am moving in a few weeks, life gave me some lemons, but instead of making a puckered up ugly face, I made lemonade.

Along with the lemonade came a new Sculpt. Baby Monkey Stella!
And yes, she is made from a Bar of Clay. Pretty NeatO, if I can say so myself. I am always amazed how a block of clay can spring to life off my sculpting desk. Its pretty neat....and even better news..... she sold to a new Monkey Momma this morning! Congrats new Monkey Mommy if your reading this!! Lil Monkey Stella will be on her way home soon.
I am taking a well needed break from the computer & taking my girls to Barnes & Noble. I am dying for a Carmel Frappacino...Extra whip & carmel syrup......Mmmm, YummO.
Along with the 146 pictures I took of the Monkey, came along the news (well, New news for me) but Microsoft has abolished Front Page.
Are you KIDDING me?
Front Page is a web designing program, that allowed me to go in and add everything to my website(s). Well, guess what?
NOT anymore.
So for 7 years, I've used Front Page for ALL my editing, all my pictures are in my files in Front Page.....Soo frustrating.... ;(
After 3 full days behind my computer screen, coding HTML for an auction,
looking for lost files, sizing pictures,
OMG ! ! !..................... its time to take a well deserved break.
So, if you need to find me, I'll be the one hiding out in the corner, ball cap on, hiding from the Paparazzi, drinking my Carmel Frapp.
Oh wait....strike the paparazzi thing....I made that up.
But I will still be in the corner, hiding from life and that dagummed
But...But.... life has had some interesting neat things in store for me....
Actually I cant wait.
Life is good, and doors are opening L & R.
Oh, did I mention, I got centerfold? No, no, not Playboy Centerfold....
but one of the BIGGEST Doll Magazines in the world!
Discover Dolls will be featuring Moi, lil ol' ME, in their next issue!
I am soo proud .....and happy.
Maybe that lemonade doesn't taste so bad after all....?
It really is all about perception.....& sometimes an ugly puckered up sour lemonade face.......

But in the end, everything that happens, has a reason.
And if you get up ONE more time than you fall,
You will make it thru

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congratulations, Lori!!! I'm so happy for you :)