Tim & Ashley are the little lovebirds....(does anyone remember what
that feels like, lol.....) I was losing daylight fast, so if they appear grainy, just get over it. But you remember, c'mon...the belly butterflys,
your heart on Cloud 10....thats above Cloud 9, right?
Ahhh....to be young and in love......
I'm always a sucker for B&W shots with a splash of color....
Brings out such interesting visual direction.....

Then to ice the cake, literally speaking....Laurens Sweet "16" was on Monday....holy crap. This means that Mommas gett'n old....because
I share a birthday 3 days later, and for scientific reasons beyond my understanding, I continue to age while my children age....WTHeck?
Wheres Ponce De'Leon and the Fountain of Youth, when you need him?
Pfffftt....men. DONT get me started on that one....
I have to say, that my kids really went the xtra mile for my birthday....
They made it really special....Plus, they were smart about it...
They decided to get TWO candles, a 3 & a 9, instead of all 39 candles....
For safety issues I'm sure....I enjoy playing with fire, but not on my birthday. I must restrain.....and be a good example to my children.
Speaking of good examples, the Annual Helium Balloon Sucking came off great!!!!!
....And...and...are you ready? I got Silly Stringed!
Pink, in fact....when I least expected it....Man, does silly string smell baaaaad..........
I've come to the conclusion that Helium is MUCH safer than the smell of Silly String, I'm sure you'd agree......smelling those intoxicating fumes as it dangles off your hair cannot be safe!
As for child # 3......Miss Haleigh Girl. :(
Oh boy....we're going on DAY 10 of the FLU. I'm taking her to the doctor today, to check for that crap they call Swine....
I'm seriously contemplating wrapping myself head to toe, in Saran Wrap, for protection. A girl cant be too careful out there.....
The hardest decision, is with clothes, or without.....
Damn, I hate big life decisions.....Don't you?
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