Shhh, dont say it too loudly, it might come back. (knocks on wood)....what seems like an eternity, and well, wasssss *hiss*....we were down over a month with the stupid stuff. Its nasty, dont let it fool you.....
And to think of all that time, I spent sanitizing prior...doorknobs, bannisters, lightswitches, other people....
Ok, ok, so Im a bit obsessive, Ive never said I'm not...but all that time Lysol-ing and disinfecting, for what?
A more powerful bug? A smarter wiser, "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" anyway, bug? Ok, ok, so the dog didnt get it.
As for the baby? I made her.
Not literally, I mean....I did. I mean, know what I mean.
She'll be on eBay later....I think she's the only one in the house that escaped "the bug".....thank God. At least someone did!
I'll be back with the link later.... (Im back, click on pic)
Dont let my flu-bug-incessantly-whining-pathetic-poor-me-post scare you off....wait.....dont go......hold on....were healthy now, I swear.
I wont sanitize anymore, I promise least not the lightswitches.
Ok, ok, not the doorhandles either...and not the dog. I wont do it, I promise.....The OCD is getting better, I swear..........
*Grabs can of Lysol & sprays................*