She has the cutest lil' store...lots of antique embellishments happening and some neat artwork.
Antique items mixed with a really warm day, produces a very unique scent. I know, I'm weird, I fully admit that, but its a very familiar "old" scent, that I cant yet place. Either way, I always enjoy downtown Maumee, its "old" in itself, with alot of historic flavor dating back to the early 1800's...
And although I love antique items, I cant help but get a wee bit freaked out around them. Ok, here goes "weird" again, but ever since we lived with a Ghost, a not so nice ghost...I did alot of research and study in the "Paranormal" side of things...(Hi Jason!!)
There are alot of books on how Spirits attach themselves to Antique Items...which REALLY freaks me out.
So now, every time I walk into the bead store, with all these antique items and I smell the "old"....
My imagination tends to go overboard, lol....
I know, I know....weird....(time to get off the morphine, lol)
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