If you love the smell of cinnamon as much as I do, which might not be possible, because I love it more than you do, na-na-na-boo-boo....
Sorry, I digress.
But, if you add cinnamon scented pinecones from Michaels or Joann's Fabrics (which are pure heaven on earth) & a dollar store 35ct. strand of Christmas lights, the subtle heat from being warm will make your pine cones smell even MORE cinnamon-ny.
(Please note: I am not responsible for any fires if your dollar store lights get too hot or if you choose to fall in the store while getting your cinnamon pine cones, I'm just sayn'...)
Plus, Joann's has all Christmas-related items 60% off this week, so thats a double bonus. I don't even set foot into that place or my local Michaels store without at least a 40% off coupon. I'm sure they know me by name or by the shoddy ink job my printer insists on spewing out, when I print the coupon.
Oh wait, I might be almost outta ink. Damn it.
And when Christmas is over, you can pop your cinnamon pine cones in a clear glass vase with the lights and have a beautiful year round lighted display.
This is NOT one of those reasons to leave your Christmas lights up year round, I know whatcher thinking, so just dont do it.
Please please please refrain, its really a trashy look.
Unless it smells like cinnamon of course;)
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