February 13, 2009

The Bees Knees!

I am really enjoying these baby bumblebees.
How cute are they? I think purty daggumed cute.
I added amber colored wings to these, but clear might be in order next. Not sure, please comment, so I can poll your opinions...thankz.
If you'd like to be added to next Friday's Freebie Bees Knees Drawing,
you MUST comment or drop me an email.
Here are the rest of these little stingers on eTsy
Catch ya later............gator.

February 9, 2009

Ribbon Bead-A-Liscious!

Oooo, YummO!! New Ribbon Beads up in my Etsy Shop.
Be sure to sneak a peek. Be sure now.

Don't forget.

Did ya do it? Didya, didya? Huh huh? Didya look?
Just in case, here's the link:

Make it a great day peeps.....I'm off to play with more fire.
Such a Pyro. But a good pyro!

February 2, 2009

Oh Mr. Groundhog.............

So they tell me the Groundhog saw his ol' shadow??
They also tell me this means 6 more weeks of winter.
Is this true? I mean, if I count out 6 weeks..... or 35 days or 1 month & 7 days or 840 hours, or 50,400 minutes or 3,024,000 seconds, WILL it be Spring?
No seriously, WILL it be Spring? This winter is for the birds.....birds I say.
But in all honesty, we were warned. The Farmers Almanac warned us all, that this would be a very bad winter. I chose not to listen. I stuck my fingers in both ears and chanted, La La La La La La.
In fact, given the Groundhog has only predicted his shadow correctly 28% of the time....it makes me question the Farmers Almanac as well.
Ok, ok, so what. The Farmers Almanac has only been around since 1792, I mean, what would THEY know right? *wink*
So, Im assuming you ALL saw the Steelers kick ass in the Superbowl last night? The last 35 seconds and BAM! Steelers grab a touchdown and history, once again.... is made.
Even Bruce Springstein rocked it out on stage, at halftime.
How old is he anyway?? I hope when Im in my 50-60's that Im still rock'n & a roll'n.
On a more serious note, sorry that I havent been around lately.
Life & health just gets IN my way anymore, dammit anyhow.
All this health jibber jabber is for the birds anywhoooooo.....................
Im off to become a productive member of society today.